
Vlog – Mastering Modeling Poses

Vlog – Mastering Modeling Poses

There is an endless supply of poses that a model can come up with when she’s posing for the camera. If you think about the incredible capacity of the human body to create a multitude of different physical movements and positions, it might free you up to move any which way your heart decides in front of the lens.

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Vlog – The Runway Walk
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Vlog – The Runway Walk

When I was at the height of my modeling career the runway walk was altogether different than what it is today. When I’m now asked to appear in a show, I always have to adjust my walk since I impulsively go to the style it was when I was regularly doing the shows.

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Haute Couture
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Haute Couture

The Paris Haute Couture shows kicked off last Sunday and I love what I’m seeing thus far – Chanel! Bravo, Karl! Versace! Ditto, Donatella! Seeing the new collections always brings back such amazing memories.

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Here we are two weeks into the New Year and winter is finally showing itself in New York City. Temperatures have dipped from a Christmas day high of 70 degrees to a current 25 degree chill; the wind makes it more like 12 degrees. Brrrrrrr!

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Rain, Rain Go Away…
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Rain, Rain Go Away…

What to do when it rains and you have to race around town for appointments all day? How do you keep yourself together: hair, makeup, outfit? What about keeping that cheaply made umbrella you just paid $5 for on a street corner, from not breaking in the zany wind…? 

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I had the most surreal experience walking a New York Fashion Week runway last Thursday after not being on a NY runway in many years…! It was for Tome, and the two designers, Ryan Lobo and Ramon Martin are not only talented but they are kind. 

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