Give Your Hair and Skin a Summer Break From All Those Products
I don’t know about you, but as soon the warmer seasons appear, I find myself wanting to put on a good chemical-free SPF, throw my hair up into a ponytail/bun, grab my sunglasses and hat and head out into the glorious weather; without having to fuss with makeup and hair products…oh one can dream n’est-ce pas? {NB: For those of you who consistently read my blogs, thank you for accepting my little French phrases of late! I just can’t resist throwing them in!)
Our skin needs a break from all of the products we consistently apply to our face, and that goes for hair too. While we must take care of our skin and hair all year around, keeping them clean & well moisturized and maintained, we also need to give them a break from too much use of the many products out there that we women especially, tend to incessantly use. These makeup and hair products tend to clog our pores and dry out our hair leaving us with the only solution: temporary abstinence.
The type of skin and hair that one has also plays a role in how to maintain it throughout the summer months. No matter how oily or dry your face may be, you must always use a good SPF when outdoors during the spring/summer months. While I switch up some of my products a couple of times a year, the brand that I most favor is the classic Clarins. Their beauty line is without toxic chemicals and they have a wide variety of every sort of face cream, lotion and potion you could want for your beauty regimen. As for hair, I love another classic French line, Phytotherathrie. These are plant-based products that really work, and they have some wonderful “SPF” creams for your hair that wondrously protect it when playing in the sun.
Give your face and hair a break this summer from too much makeup and hair products, and see how they will thank you by reclaiming their natural qualities through rejuvenation thanks to being set free of too many products!